This book explores the intricate relationships between modernism and postmodernism, or autonomism and contextualism. The limits between these modes are not distinct boundaries; rather, they are open-ended thresholds. The book argues for the persistence of the aesthetic in art theory, understood in a broad, not a purely formalist, sense. In this respect, Romanticism appears to be a bridge between modernism and postmodernism, focusing on art as an aesthetic entity that embodies its meaning. This has two-fold relevance for the modern theory of art: first, it provides continuity through the differences between autonomous (modernist) and contextualist (poststructuralist) philosophies of art; and second, it marks the shift in paradigm that is a return to the aesthetic, which can be described as a journey from autonomism to contextualism and back. Die Autorin Dr. Madeleine Schechter is Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University. Her areas of research include aesthetics, semiotics, liminality, and cultural studies. She has published articles on the aesthetics of liminality, semiotics, poetics and mentalities. She is currently working on a book, The Grotesque: Liminality and the Philosophy of the Arts.