Kirsten Krick-Aigner (Hrsg.), Marc-Oliver Schuster (Hrsg.)

Jazz in German-language Literature

Erscheinungsdatum: 08.02.2013, 358 Seiten ISBN: 978-3-8260-5082-4

39,80  inkl. MwSt.

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K. Krick-Aigner / M.-O. Schuster: Introduction – R. Dombrowski: An Overview of Jazz Music in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland – E. Simonow: Functions of Jazz in Literature: Jazz Discourse in the Weimar Republic in the Novels Jazz by Hans Janowitz and Symphonie für Jazz by René Schickele – J. E. Grandt: The Colors of Jazz in the Weimar Republic: Hans Janowitz’s Jazz Takes the Coltrane – C. Partsch: Early Jazz Figures in Weimar Germany – P. Cohen-Avenel: An Epidemic of Jazz in German-language Literature: 1920-1931 – H. Steinert: Adorno and the Case of Jazz in Europe of the 1930s – M. Kreuzwieser: “And this music had the advantage of great sincerity, there was something of the Negro in it, lovable and truthful”: Hermann Hesse, His Fans and Jazz – Some Remarks about Ongoing Misunderstandings – F. Getzuhn: Authenticity in Jazz – Aesthetic Experience and Its Mediation: Narrative Pedagogy and Jazz Texts in the 1950s – H. Justin: Jazz Critic Ernest Borneman: Doctor Feelgood – T. Wörtche: Jazz and Poetry: Only a Misunderstanding? H. Neundlinger: “i’d rather be a saxophone”: Ernst Jandl and Jazz H. B. Schlichting: The Radio Play as a State of Bliss: Encounters with Ror Wolf M.-O. Schuster: Black Male Jazz and White Female Exoticism in Katja Henkel’s Novel LaVons Lied A. W. Hurley: Ripe for a Diskursabenteuer: Jazz in Thomas Meinecke’s Novels B. Spoerri: In Search of the Swinging Life: Jazz in German-Swiss Literature from 1995 to 2009 S. Richter: “Nothing is everything. You its appearance”: Reflections on Jazz&Poetry, Especially the Baroque
As a fi rst compilation of its kind on jazz in Germanlanguage literature, the present volume contains 16 articles that broaden the current discussion about jazz in German, Austrian, and Swiss literature. Scholars from diverse backgrounds trace the infl uence of North American jazz on Western and Central Europe through readings of novels, novellas, poems, radio plays, and essays about jazz, written or published in German from the mid-1920s through the twenty-fi rst century. At the core of modernity and urban sociohistorical culture, jazz maintains its relevance for German-speaking cultures as a vehicle for addressing issues of social class, gender, race and ethnicity, as well as regional, national, and transnational identity.
Die Herausgeber Dr. Kirsten Krick-Aigner is coordinator for the German program and is very active in promoting German subjects to students as well as to the local community at Wofford College. She is the campus representative to the national Fulbright Scholarships program. Marc-Oliver Schuster; Studium der Germanistik und Philosophie in Salzburg und Toronto. Forschungsprojekte zu „Semiotik und Postmoderne“, „Der Wiener Biedermeier-Maler Eduard Ritter“ und „Jazz in deutschsprachiger Literatur“. Dissertation H. C. Artmann’s Structuralist Imagination: A Semiotic Study

Zusätzliche Information

Gewicht0,67 kg
Größe15.5 × 23.5 cm (B × H)
ISBN978-3-8260-5082-4   //   9783826050824
VerlagKönigshausen & Neumann


Krick-Aigner, Kirsten

Dr. Kirsten Krick-Aigner is coordinator for the German program and is very active in promoting German subjects to students as well as to the local community at Wofford College. She is the campus representative to the national Fulbright Scholarships program.

Schuster, Marc-Oliver

Marc-Oliver Schuster, PhD, arbeitet vor allem zur deutschsprachigen Literatur nach 1945, unter anderem zu den Themen H. C. Artmann, Jazz in der Literatur, Postmoderne und Semiotik.