Tanja Zimmermann (Hrsg.), Aleksandar Jakir (Hrsg.)

Europe and the Balkans

Dacades of ’Europeanization‘?

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.09.2015, 248 Seiten ISBN: 978-3-8260-5109-8

39,80  inkl. MwSt.

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T. Zimmermann / A. Jakir: Acknowledgments – Introduction – Introducing the Balkans to Europe – D. A. Norris: Mind the Gap!: The Balkans as Literary Trope – A. Avdagic: Early encounters with Europe and narrative models of mediation – J. Sujecka: Conceptualizations of the Balkans – “Europeanization” of the Balkans – J. Kleut / D. Spasojevic: The Europeanisation Discourse of Serbian Intellectual Elites: Pešcanik and Nova srpska politicka misao – M. Popadic: Serbian ID for Europe: Visual Identity of the New Serbian Passport – M. Komel: Splitting Eurobalkanism: Europeanisation of the Balkans, Balkanisation of Europe – a short psychoanalytical observation – D. Melcic: Europe and the Balkans: The History of (National) Discourses – A. Ioannidou: Greece’s new nationalism: Europe versus Russia – Identities “in-between” – N. Makuljevic: The Picture of the Balkans between Orientalism and Nationalism – B. Škvorc: About Writers ‘in beetween’: Miroslav Krleža’s Central Europe (and Balkans) and Ivo Andric’s Balkan (and Central Europe) – T. Brajovic: Imagining Europe: (Anti-)Utopian Memory in Vojislav Despotov’s “Millennium Trilogy” – War and Conflicts from the Balkan and European Perspective – A. Lešic: Milomir Kovacevic’s War Photographs: How Not to Dehumanise a Traumatised Subject – D. Hasanbegovic: Stories for Europe: Bosnian Cinema and the Cultural Codification of Trauma – Women and the Balkans/Women on the Balkans – K. Lindemann: Explaining Bosnia – Milena Preindlsberger-Mrazovic and Austria’s own ‘Orient’ – I. Cirovic: Gender, War and Imagery of the Balkans – M. Ciglenecki: “The Balkan Beauty” – Elsa Oeltjen Kasimir (1887-1944) – R. Senjkovic: Miss YU: Socialist Female Beauty – Representing the Balkans in Popular Culture – L. Reinkowski: Yugoslav Pop/Rock Culture of the 1970s and Euro-Balkan Identity – S. Fietkau: Balkan Pop or Eurotrash – Yugoslavia and Its Successor States in the Eurovision Song Contest – N. Avramovska: Europe and An/other Europe on the European Theatre Festival Stage – J. Murašov: Vegeta: The Idea of Yugoslavia and the Taste of the Region
Die Herausgeber: Tanja Zimmermermann is professor of East European history of art at the university of Leipzig. Her research interests are media policy and memory studies, the East-West transfer in literature and visual culture from 19th to the 21th century. Aleksandar Jakir is Professor of 20th century History at the Faculty of Philosophy – University of Split. His research interests are contemporary history of Southeastern Europe. He works on different aspects of the political, cultural and social history of Dalmatia, Croatia and Yugoslavia during the 20th century, with emphasis on the process of formation of modern national identity.

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Gewicht0,495 kg
Größe15.5 × 23.5 cm (B × H)
ISBN978-3-8260-5109-8   //   9783826051098
VerlagKönigshausen & Neumann


Jakir, Aleksandar

Aleksandar Jakir is Professor of 20th century History at the Faculty of Philosophy - University of Split. His research interests are contemporary history of Southeastern Europe. He works on different aspects of the political, cultural and social history of Dalmatia, Croatia and Yugoslavia during the 20th century, with emphasis on the process of formation of modern national identity.

Zimmermann, Tanja