Ralf Heimrath (Hrsg.), Arndt Kremer (Hrsg.)


Small Worlds in Linguistic and Cultural Perspectives

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.01.2016, 250 Seiten ISBN: 978-3-8260-5540-9

39,80  inkl. MwSt.

Enthält 7% red. MwSt.
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M. Vassallo: Insularity: a Blessing or a Curse? – G. Baldacchino: Smallness and Islandness: Whether the Twain Shall Meet – A. Kremer: The island within: Theoretical approaches to language islands and the case of German-Jews exiles in Palestine – R. Heimrath: Puhoi – the Agony of a German Language Island in New Zealand – H. Scheuringer: German as a “Minority” Language in Romania – from Language Islands to Language Community – J. Sift: Documentation of Language Islands and New Media: the ASD – S. Assimakopoulos: The Insularity of Scientifi c Reasoning – S. Kvam: Translation of Norwegian Artsongs in the Context of the German Tradition of Kunstlieder – R. Fabri: Robinson Crusoe ends up serving is-Sur/Sa Gimgha (Man/Girl Friday): The Life and strange surprising Adventures of the Maltese Language… – L. Sciriha / M. Vassallo: Insular Malta: self-expression of linguistic identity through public signs – G. Cremona: Cultural Representations of Germany in Maltese German as a Foreign Language (GFL) Learning Contexts. A Comparative Interpretation of the Island’s Predominant Views and Trends – A. Ganea: Identity, Belonging and Insularity in the Representation of Romanians in the Diaspora Discourse – G. Scripnic: Insularity within a Country: the Discourse related to the Danube Delta’s Inhabitants
The editors Dr. Ralf Heimrath, DAAD-Lektor und „Senior Lecturer“ für Germanistik am Department of German der University of Malta. Dr. Arndt Kremer, „Lecturer“ für Germanistik am Department of German der University of Malta.

Zusätzliche Information

Gewicht0,49 kg
Größe15.5 × 23.5 cm (B × H)
ISBN978-3-8260-5540-9   //   9783826055409
VerlagKönigshausen & Neumann


Heimrath, Ralf

Dr. Ralf Heimrath ist Germanist und Historiker. Er lehrte Auslandsgermanistik an der Nationaluniversität der Mongolei und an der University of Malta.

Kremer, Arndt

Dr. Arndt Kremer, „Lecturer“ für Germanistik am Department of German der University of Malta.