M. Vassallo: Insularity: a Blessing or a Curse? – G. Baldacchino: Smallness and Islandness: Whether the Twain Shall Meet – A. Kremer: The island within: Theoretical approaches to language islands and the case of German-Jews exiles in Palestine – R. Heimrath: Puhoi – the Agony of a German Language Island in New Zealand – H. Scheuringer: German as a “Minority” Language in Romania – from Language Islands to Language Community – J. Sift: Documentation of Language Islands and New Media: the ASD – S. Assimakopoulos: The Insularity of Scientifi c Reasoning – S. Kvam: Translation of Norwegian Artsongs in the Context of the German Tradition of Kunstlieder – R. Fabri: Robinson Crusoe ends up serving is-Sur/Sa Gimgha (Man/Girl Friday): The Life and strange surprising Adventures of the Maltese Language… – L. Sciriha / M. Vassallo: Insular Malta: self-expression of linguistic identity through public signs – G. Cremona: Cultural Representations of Germany in Maltese German as a Foreign Language (GFL) Learning Contexts. A Comparative Interpretation of the Island’s Predominant Views and Trends – A. Ganea: Identity, Belonging and Insularity in the Representation of Romanians in the Diaspora Discourse – G. Scripnic: Insularity within a Country: the Discourse related to the Danube Delta’s Inhabitants
The editors Dr. Ralf Heimrath, DAAD-Lektor und „Senior Lecturer“ für Germanistik am Department of German der University of Malta. Dr. Arndt Kremer, „Lecturer“ für Germanistik am Department of German der University of Malta.