Bettina Boecker, Daniella Janscó, Stephan Laqué, Enno Ruge, Gabriela Schmidt (eds.)

Acts of Crime: Lawlessness on the Early Modern Stage

Essays in Honour of Andreas Höfele

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.10.2015, 248 Seiten ISBN: 978-3-8260-5853-0
Fachgebiet: Reihe: Rezeptionskulturen in Literatur- und MediengeschichteBand: 4

29,80  inkl. MwSt.

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D. Jancsó / S. Laqué: Introduction: Enter Crime – I Mapping Crime – B. Cummings: Adultery in the Theatre – E. Fernie: Lighten our Darkness? Höfele, Moriarty and Hughes on Shakespeare and the Question of the Human – R. Wilson: Moonlight Sonata: Larkin, Shakespeare and the Criminal State – C. Bode: The Birth of Modern Drama from the Spirit of Detection – II Making Criminals – W. von Koppenfels: Enter the Elizabethan Contract Killer: Murder by Proxy and the Tragic Emotions – A. Nünning / V. Nünning: “For greedie gaine hee thrust the weake to wall”: Extortion and the Negotiation of Values in Philip Massinger’s A New Way to Pay Old Debts and the Scandal of Sir Giles Mompesson – N. Greiner: Crime and Recompense: The Ontology of Criminal Acts in the Henriad – R. Morse: Girlhoods of Shakespeare’s Anti- Heroine: Gruoch, Lady Macbeth – III Modes of Punishment – D. Schulz: Deed and Consequence: Retribution and the Theatre of Crime in Macbeth – C. Balme: Blood Witness and “exquisite torture”: William Prynne’s Martyrdom and the Early Modern Public Sphere in England – L. Cowen Orlin: John Shakespeare, Jew – C. Olk: “The time of mercy is past” – Hamlet and Medieval Eschatology
The editors Bettina Boecker is Senior Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Munich. Daniella Jancsó is Senior Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Munich. Stephan Laqué is Professor of English Literature at Freie Universität Berlin. Enno Ruge is Senior Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Munich. Gabriela Schmidt is Senior Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Munich.

Zusätzliche Information

Gewicht0,5 kg
Größe15.5 × 23.5 cm (B × H)
ISBN978-3-8260-5853-0   //   9783826058530
ReiheRezeptionskulturen in Literatur- und Mediengeschichte
Reihe Nr.4
VerlagKönigshausen & Neumann


Boecker, Bettina

Janscó, Daniella

Laqué, Stephan

Ruge, Enno

Schmidt, Gabriela