Gilmar Visoni-Alonzo (Hrsg.), Frank Jacob (Hrsg.)

Latin America's Martial Age

Conflict and Warfare in the long Nineteenth Century

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.03.2017, 216 Seiten ISBN: 978-3-8260-6158-5
Fachgebiet: Reihe: Globalhistorische Komparativstudien, Comparative Studies from a Global PerspectiveBand: 5

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F. Jacob / G. Visoni-Alonzo: Introduction: Conflict and Warfare in the Latin America’s Martial Century – W. L. Bernecker: European Neocolonialism and Military Interventionism: “La Guerra de los Pasteles ” as a Franco-Mexican Case Study – T. Pérez Vejo: A Historiographical Myth: Spanish Royalists against Insurgent Criollos – D. Pruonto: Mexico in the 1860s: An International Confl ict Zone – G. Visoni-Alonzo: Hybrid Warfare: The 1837 Revolt of Rafael Carrera in Guatemala – H. Gutiérrez: The Indian Frontier, Nation, and Identities: Chile in the 19th Century – F. Pattaro Amaral: Factional Conflict and Female Political Behavior in 19th Century Colombia – E. M. Mator Antônio: The Absent Presence: The Military and Struggles for Independence of Portuguese America – P. Bales: United States-Latin American Relations during the Long Nineteenth Century – F. Jacob: George Kennan and the Cuban Image: The Spanish American War, the Perception of Cuba and American Public Opinion – K. Pearl: Not Ready for its Close-up: The Mexican Army and Film Versions of the Siege of the Alamo.
The Editors Gilmar Visoni-Alonzo is Associate Professor of Military and Renaissance History at the City University of New York’s Queensborough Community College and Chair of the History Department. His research foci include Latin American Military History and the Conquistadors. Frank Jacob is Assistant Professor of World History at the City University of New York’s Queensborough Community College. His research foci include Global Military History, Modern Japanese History and the Cultural History of Violence.

Zusätzliche Information

Gewicht0,4 kg
Größe15.5 × 23.5 cm (B × H)
ISBN978-3-8260-6158-5   //   9783826061585
ReiheGlobalhistorische Komparativstudien, Comparative Studies from a Global Perspective
Reihe Nr.5
VerlagKönigshausen & Neumann


Jacob, Frank

Prof. Dr. Frank Jacob lehrt Welt- und Globalgeschichte an der City University of New York, USA.

Visoni-Alonzo, Gilmar

Gilmar Visoni-Alonzo is Associate Professor of Military and Renaissance History at the City University of New York‘s Queensborough Community College and Chair of the History Department. His research foci include Latin American Military History and the Conquistadors.