Kurt Egreder, Caroline Nic AnBhaird (Übers.)

Saints Alive!

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.04.2021, 120 Seiten ISBN: 978-3-8260-7238-3

9,80  inkl. MwSt.

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For over 250 years twelve stone statues, the twelve Saints, have been on the Old Main Bridge in Würzburg. What none of the many city’s visitors who stroll across the bridge during the day know, nor indeed the vast majority of locals know either, is the fact that the statues step down at night from their pedestals to stretch their legs after a long day of standing still. Kurt Egreder takes the 12 Saints from their pedestals and brings them to life for an eventful night on the Old Main Bridge. Bizarre incidents on the bridge and even in heaven cause chaos which luckily subsides just in time before sunrise on the following morning. The history of the Old Main Bridge and historical facts about the lives of the Saints are also included. Crossing the Old Main Bridge in future will be a new experience as the Saints will no longer be just cold stone statues but familiar faces, friends to glance up to and greet by name. With enough imagination you will see one or other of the statues respond with the wink of an eye. Should it be difficult some evening to part from Franconian wine and should the clock have already struck one by the time you are homeward bound, you are best advised to go very, very quietly, at least from the Four-Pipe Fountain because maybe… you just never know… Yes, you guessed it.

The Author
Kurt Egreder, originally from Hesse, has lived in Würzburg since 1986. In addition to his work as a professor at the University of Applied Sciences, he has devoted himself to acting since 1987.

Zusätzliche Information

Größe13 × 21 cm (B × H)
ISBN978-3-8260-7238-3   //   9783826072383
Übersetzt ausDeutsch
VerlagKoenigshausen & Neumann


Egreder, Kurt

Kurt Egreder, originally from Hesse, has lived in Würzburg since 1986. In addition to his work as a professor at the University of Applied Sciences, he has devoted himself to acting since 1987.

Nic AnBhaird, Caroline