Marc Brealey

The German Expressionist Body and the Philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer

The ›Triumph of the Will‹ c. 1905–1918

Erscheinungsdatum: 25.11.2021, 316 Seiten ISBN: 978-3-8260-7306-9
Fachgebiet: Reihe: Beiträge zur Philosophie SchopenhauersBand: 24
Autor*innen:Marc Brealey

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This work focuses upon two propositions expressed by the painter Franz Marc. Thoughtfully-illustrated, rigorous, historically-based and well-written, Brealey’s book offers a well-structured and well-researched analysis of the art historical and philosophical literature involved. The writing is lucid, as is the attempt to synthesise art history and philosophy. Attempts such as these are not made often enough in the literature when in fact such endeavours ought to be fundamental to philosophical aesthetics. The entire project is a sound one and should become essential reading for professional scholars and students of aesthetics.

The Author
Dr. Marc Brealey is an independent art historian who specialises in philosophical aesthetics. Brealey’s research involves an exploration of the rare number of artists who practiced philosophy and the even rarer number of philosophers who practiced in the fine arts. He believes that such projects will offer a major contribution towards encounters between the arts, aesthetics and philosophy.

Zusätzliche Information

Größe15.5 × 23.5 cm (B × H)
ISBN978-3-8260-7306-9   //   9783826073069
Übersetzt ausEnglisch
ReiheBeiträge zur Philosophie Schopenhauers
Reihe Nr.24
VerlagKoenigshausen & Neumann


Brealey, Marc

Dr. Marc Brealey is an independent art historian who specialises in philosophical aesthetics. Brealey’s research involves an exploration of the rare number of artists who practiced philosophy and the even rarer number of philosophers who practiced in the fine arts. He believes that such projects will offer a major contribution towards encounters between the arts, aesthetics and philosophy.