Jürgen Kramer (Hrsg.), Bernd Lenz (Hrsg.)

Representing Terrorism

Journal für the Study of British Cultures, Vol. 19 · No. 2/2012

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.09.2014, 132 Seiten ISBN: 978-3-8260-8020-3
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Kramer, Jürgen

Jürgen Kramer is Professor Emeritus of British Cultural Studies at TU Dortmund University. Among his publications are British Cultural Studies (1997) and Britain and Ireland. A Concise History (22023). His most recent publication at K&N is How to Do Cultural Studies. Ideas, Approaches, Scenarios (2020, with Bernd Lenz). From 1994 to 2006, he co-edited the Journal for the Study of British Cultures.

Lenz, Bernd