Frauke Berndt, Isabel Karremann, Klaus Müller-Wille (Eds.)

Figures of Pathos

Festschrift in Honor of Elisabeth Bronfen

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.06.2023, 406 Seiten ISBN: 978-3-8260-8264-1
Fachgebiete: ,

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As a Festschrift for Elisabeth Bronfen’s sixty-fifth birthday, this volume gathers a series of essays by her friends and colleagues on forms and functions of pathos, which play a central role in the scholarly and artistic work of the honoree.

Πάθος is the way in which words and images have the power to move us, and through which aesthetic representation becomes an affective experience. The essays explore the potential of this concept from antiquity to the present and the power of pathos in different media.


Berndt, Frauke

Frauke Berndt ist Professorin für Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft an der Universität Zürich.

Karremann, Isabel

Müller-Wille, Klaus