Liz Bahs, Corinne Bancroft, André Schwarck (Ed.)


LWU Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht | neue Folge 2/2022

Erscheinungsdatum: 19.06.2023, 156 Seiten ISBN: 978-3-8260-8431-7
Fachgebiete: , Reihe: LWU Literatur in Wissenschaft und UnterrichtBand: 2022/2
Autor*innen:André Schwarck

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Multi-narratives are artifacts that juxtapose single narratives. This arrangement creates a productive tension within the artifact that is larger than the sum of its parts. Reading multi-narratives is a twofold process: first, distinct local narratives within a work often create disruption and incongruity. Second and at the same time, this heterogeneity invites a ‘bringing together’ or ‘making sense of’ the relationship among the constituent narratives. In several close-readings, this volume explores key aspects of such multi-narrative interplay in works by Kate Atkinson, Julian Barnes, Louise Erdrich, Jackie Kay, Richard McGuire, Cynthia Ozick and Lionel Shriver.


Schwarck, André

André Schwarck studierte Anglistik, Germanistik und Philosophie Universität Kiel.